We have a cars database and a few users. We want to handpick users that are able to view/edit/delete specific cars. We'll show how this can be done with the help of cross-reference table.

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CarsUsers is a cross reference table. It stores relations between users and cars. If you want to provide an access to certain cars for certain user simply add a new record to CarsUsers specify correct carid and userid.

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For instance on the picture above you can see that user #1 (admin/admin) can access cars #1 and #3. Lets write some code now to make this happen.

1. In AfterSuccessfulLogin event we want to save the ID from Users table in session variable.


2. Now in AfterTableInit event we need to restrict access to those cars that are specified in UsersCars for the current user. We do this by adding the following where clause:

$query->addWhere("id in (select carid from UsersCars where userid=".$_SESSION["user_id"].")"); 

This is it. We can logon as user #1 and see cars #1 and #3. Mission accomplished and we only had to write two lines of code.

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